Analysis of the EEG and GSR as a Biomarker of a Person’s Psycho-Emotional State
Ekaterina Pomelova, Alena Grankina & Mikhail Lukov
Center for Cognition and Decision Making, HSE & Novgorod State University
Biological markers of activity and progression of multiple sclerosis. Possibilities for predicting disease activity
Alexander Zakharov
Director of the Research Institute of Neuroscience, Samara State Medical University
Moral foundations elicit shared and dissociable cortical activation modulated by political ideology
Zorina Rakhmankulova
PhD student, International Laboratory of Social Neurobiology, HSE
Population genetics: from modern humans to Neanderthals
Vladimir Shchur
Senior Research Fellow, International Laboratory of Statistical and Computational Genomics
Cognitive capabilities in strategic management research: results of the literature review
Tatiana Alexandrova
Head of Risk Management School, SberUniveristy
Dissecting motor skill acquisition: Spatial coordinates take precedence
Gleb Perevoznjuk
Master’s student, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
Biological motion paradigm: Insights from neurocognitive research and applications
Elena Gavrilova
Research assistant, Center for Cognition and Decision Making, HSE
The causal role of the medial prefrontal cortex in mediating self-agency during reality monitoring
Alexandra Dolgoarshinnaya
Junior research fellow, Center for Cognition and Decision Making, HSE
Improved human-computer interaction: How to use AI in cognitive sciences?
Eliana Monahhova & Nikita Otstavnov
Centre of Cognition and Decision Making & Laboratory of Social Neurobiology, HSE
An adaptive algorithm for detection of the decision duration
Alexey Tumialis
Leading Research Fellow, Centre for Bioelectric Interfaces, HSE
Mapping the Visual Cortex in the Context of Phosphene Research using TMS
Gleb Perevoznjuk
MD FBM MSU, master’s student, SKOLTECH
Anterior cingulate and medial prefrontal cortex oscillations underlie learning alterations in trait anxiety in humans
Marina Ivanova
Research assistant, Center for Cognition and Decision Making, HSE
Bisection tasks in embodied research
Anastasia Malyshevskaya
Junior Research Fellow, HSE & Potsdam University
Neurocardiology: Interactions within the framework of the brain-heart axis
Alena Limonova & Irina Minenko
“National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine" of the Ministry of Health of Russia
Neuromarketing Demo Research. Collaboration with HSE Design Lab and SPAR
Elena Gavrilova & Alisa Godovanets
Research assistants, Centre for Cognition and Decision Making, HSE
Transdisciplinary model of seeking help for patients with anxiety disorders - clinical, psychological, psychopathological and neurobiological aspects
Maxim Marachev
Senior Research Fellow, Department of Borderline Psychiatry “National Medical Research Centre for Psychiatry and Narcology by V. Serbsky”
Comparing reinforcement- and description-based economic preferences worldwide
Oksana Zinchenko
Senior Research Fellow, HSE
Towards speech prosthesis: speech decoding from a small set of spatially segregated minimally invasive intracranial EEG electrodes
Alex Ossadtchi
Director of the Centre for Bioelectric Interfaces, HSE
Face approximation from skull and human head/face perception
Ravil Galeev
Research Fellow, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS
Cross-cultural differences in financial risk-taking: a behavioral study and future research plan
Zorina Rakhmankulova
PhD student, International Laboratory of Social Neurobiology, HSE
TMS study of cognitive dissonance and the following preference change: focus on temporal dynamics and the role of the medial and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
Alina Davidova and Julia Sheronova
Master's students, HSE
Attention modulation in negative affect with high arousal: tES-EEG study plan
Nikita Kudryavtsev
Bachelor's student, HSE
Association of eye-movement patterns in anxious subjects with individual level of impulsivity
Guzal Khayrullina
PhD student of Psychology, HSE
"Expert persuasion" can decrease the Willingness to Pay for sugar-containing food
Ioannis Ntoumanis
PhD student, International Laboratory of Social Neurobiology, HSE
Cognitivity from Within the brain
Konstantin V. Anokhin
Academician of the Russian Academy of Science & Director of the Institute for Advanced Brain Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Social Neuroscience studies of racial in-group bias in empathy
Shihui Han
Professor, School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences, Peking University
Power in Network structures
Fuad T. Aleskerov
Professor at the Department of Mathematics & Director of the International Centre of Decision Choice and Analysis, HSE
How Migration Policy Shapes the Subjective Well-Being of the Non-immigrant Population in European Countries
Alexander Tatarko
Deputy Director and Chief Research Fellow at the Center for Sociocultural Research, HSE
A neuroscientific perspective on the shades of empathy
Gal Raz
PhD, Tel Aviv University, TAU School of Film and Television
The "when" and "what" of episodic encoding
Aya Ben-Yaakov
Research Fellow at MRC Cognition and Brain Science Unit, University of Cambridge
The self- and other-referential processing
Georgiy Knyazev
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Differential Psychophysiology of the Scientific Research Institute of Neurosciences and Medicine
Brain activity foreshadows stock price dynamics
Mirre Stallen
PhD, Assistant Professor Institute of Psychology Leiden University, Senior Researcher Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
The role of inter- and intra- cultural mental variations
Vladimir Apanovich
Junior researcher, International Laboratory for Social Neurobiology, Institute for Cognitive Neurosciences, HSE
It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see
Yaara Yeshurun
Director of Social and cognitive neuroscience laboratory, Tel-Aviv University
Machine learning for approximating endpoints in clinical neuroscience from heterogenous input data
Denis A. Engemann
Research Scientist, French National Institute of Computer Science (Inria-Saclay), Parietal Team
Transcranial magnetic stimulation of the PPC leads to safer and more consistent choices under risk
Ksenia Panidi
Senior Research Fellow, Center for Cognition and Decision-Making, Institute of Cognitive Neurosciences, HSE
Genetically informative study of the relationship between neuronal dynamics and cognitive functions
Ilya Zakharov, Anna Tobueva
Research Fellow of Developmental Behavioral Genetics Lab, Psychological Institute of Russian Academy of Education
The biological underpinnings of economic behavior
Evgenia Lukinova
Postdoctoral Fellow, Erich Lab, Institute of Brain and Cognitive Sciences NYU-ECNU, New York, Shanghai, China
Statistical analysis techniques for quantifying brain activity during naturalistic paradigms
Enrico Glerean
Research Fellow, International Laboratory of Social Neurobiology, Institute of Cognitive Neurosciences, HSE
The Impact of Media Literacy Skills on Narrative Interpretation: EEG Study
Olga Kuskova
Research assistant at the Laboratory of Social Neurobiology, Institute of Cognitive Neurosciences,
Master's Student of "Cognitive Sciences and Technologies: From Neuron to Cognition" program, HSE
How are sensory predictions modulated by behavior? A MEG study
Athina Tzovara
Assistent Professor, Institute for Computer Science, University of Bern, Switzerland
In search for reliable individual differences in brain function: strengths and weaknesses of fMRI
Andrey P. Anokhin
Staff scientist, Department of Psychiatry, Medicine School, Washington University in St. Louis. USA
Levels and Factors of Trust in Russian Regions: Results of an Online Experiment
Alexey Belyanin
PhD, Senior Research Fellow, International Laboratory for Experimental and Behavioral Economics, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Applied scientometrics for modern researchers: some basic tools and metrics
Ivan Sterligov
Director of the HSE Scientometrics Centre
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