I-Brain Erasmus project meeting
iBrain MiniSymposium
The iBrain MiniSymposium in cognitive neuroscience gives junior scientists to present their work in an interactive and constructive environement. This event is open to all trainees and incudes two interactive poster sessions and a roundtable focused on data issues in cognitive science.
The iBrain poster presentation is a platform for junior scientists to present their work to the community and actively engage in thorough discussions with other scientists.
Poster sessions will take place virtually in the CCCP/iBrain virtual room using the MOzillaHubs platform. Prior to the conference posters together with a brief pre-recorded poster-tour (max. 2 min) will be uploaded to the interactive platform. Access is limited to registered conference participants only.
For the conference poster sessions, specific time slots will be allocated for the presenters who will then be available at designated virtual presentations.
The virtual roundtable will focus on modern aspects of data collection and analysis and give the trainees and opportunity to discuss with senior scientists discussants in an informal and mentoring fashion.
For more information about iBrain Erasmus+ project please visit our website: http://ibrain.eu/
Instructions for poster sessions:
Poster session instructions (PDF, 406 Kb)
FYI: google drive folder with posters: LINK
11:00 - 13:00 (MSK time) Poster Session 1: Cognitive Neuroscience.
To attend Poster Session 1 follow this link: https://ibrain.link/vNLnFFp
General Section
1. Nikita Novikov “Mechanisms of working memory stabilization by an external oscillatory input”
2. Anton A. Kapustnikov “Modeling Spike-Wave Discharges in the Brain with Small Neurooscillator Networks”
3. Alberto Perez-Cervera “Phasic Response of Epileptic Models”
4. Victoria Cano-Sánchez “Eyetracking syntax, semantics and working memorymduring sentence processing”
5. Nikita Egorov “Modeling population variability of the thalamo-cortical network in the brain using radioengineering circuits”
6. Anastasia Kromina “Comparison of Eye Movements in Reading in Deaf and Hearing Russian Sign Language Speakers”
7. Amirhossein Esmaeili “A biologically plausible reduced model of muscarinic cholinergic tone influence on hippocampal CA2 cellular and network dynamics”
8. Natalia V. Chistiakova “Metacognitive approach to the problem of studyingmstress-coping behavior in neurobiofeedback”
14:00 - 16:00 (MSK time) Roundtable: Data Issues.RT Lead: Prof. Veeky Baths, BITS, Goa India.
Round table track: Data issues in Cognitive Neuroscience
Link for the table: LINK
Conference ID: 961 5968 5739
Access code: 163275
- Prof. Veeky Baths, Associate Professor and heading the Cognitive Neuroscience Lab at BITS, Pilani K.K. Birla Goa Campus: Lead Round table Track:
- Dr. Nithin Nagraj, is an Associate Professor at Consciousness Studies Programme, NIAS, Bengaluru. His research areas include complexity theories of consciousness, causality testing in neuroscience, and brain-inspired machine learning.
- Mayur Jartarkar, is a PhD Scholar at the Cognitive Neuroscience Lab, Dept. of Biological Sciences, BITS Pilani, K. K. Birla Goa Campus. His research areas are Consumer Neuroscience and Decision Making.
- Alish Dipani, is a 2020 Computer Science Graduate. His current research interests include Speech Processing, Visual Processing and Computational Modelling. He will be speaking on Imagined Speech
- Rajaswa Patil, is a final year Electrical Engineering undergraduate. He is currently working on Syntactic Processing and L2 Language Acquisition. He will be talking about Syntactic Processing and Language Comprehension data.
- Pranav Mahajan is a final year Electronics and Communications Engineering undergraduate. He is presently working on topics including Alzheimer's dementia, Pain Neuroscience and Spoken language processing. He will be discussing about Early detection and tracking progression of Alzheimer’s dementia.
- Sharad Chitlangia is a final year Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering undergraduate. His current research interests include Real World Machine Learning. He will be talking about the importance of Inductive Biases in Learning Systems.
- Arijit Gupta is a pre-final year Electronics and Instrumentation undergraduate. He is currently working on Child Language Acquisition and Mental Lexicon Development. He will be speaking on child language data.
- Ajay Subramanian: is a final year students at BITS Goa research interests are in reinforcement learning, computer vision and cognitive science. I will speaking about "Word2Brain2Image: A data-driven approach towards understanding representations in the brain"
16:00 - 18:00 (MSK time) Poster Session 2: Bilingual Mind
To attend Poster Session 2 Room 1 follow this link: https://ibrain.link/rZfXE5S
Bilingual Mind I
1. Xuemei Chen “How do structural predictions operate between languages for multilinguals? Evidence from cross-language structural priming in comprehension”
2. Lidón Marin-Marin “Bilingualism alters resting-state functional connectivity in mild cognitive impairment"
3. Gregory Kopytin “Behavioral and Neurophysiological Correlates of Orthographic Learning in L1 and L2 Alphabets”
4. Concepción Soto Garcia-Melendez “Interactions of the L1 and L2 in bilingual development: A visual world eye-tracking study”
5. Jacqueline Phelps “Neural tracking of attended speech in monolingual and bilingual children”
6. Deia Ganayim “Transcoding Errors of Two-digit Numbers – The Case of Arabic\Hebrew Bilinguals”
7. Abeer Asli-Badarneh “Morphology and reading development among monolingual and bilingual speakers: The case of two Semitic languages”
8. Cristiane Ely Lemke, Ingrid Finger “The effects of early biliteracy on syntactic complexity and thought organization in written production by 11-year-old children”
To attend Poster Session 2 Room 2 follow this link: https://ibrain.link/szaLfDE
Bilingual Mind II
1. Carmen Hevia-Tuero “Language mode and language dominance: using mouse tracking to investigate cross-linguistic phonological activation in bilingual children from Spain and USA”
2. Ângela Gomes Tomaz “The representation and processing of synonyms and translations in European Portuguese-English bilinguals’ mind: A masked priming study”
3. Guilherme Lucena “Effects of Bilingual Phonological Transfer in Second Language Visual Word Recognition: a Study Based on Masked Phonological Priming”
4. Polina Timofeeva “Oscillatory dynamics of bilingual language control”
5. Jose Luis Tapia Iglesias “Assessing cognitive estimation across the lifespan: A broader approach”
6. Jose Armando Aguasvivas “Orthographic similarity differentially affects monolingual and bilingual artificial vocabulary learning”
7. Julia Edeleva “Proficiency-modulated Eye-Tracking Components in Reading: Evidence from Russian Learners of English”