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Behavioral Reactions Study Software

The Observer® XT is an integrated software system for collection, analysis, and management of observational data. It supports the entire research process, from the design of observational studies and coding schemes, through collection of behavioral data to the analysis and presentation of results. The following modules are available:

  • Base Module: for study setup, coding scheme design, live coding, offline editing, analysis, and presentation of behavioral data
  • Multiple Media Module: for extending the number of media files to four at a time
  • Advanced Analysis Module: for quality control and validation of observers with reliability analysis and for finding sequential and causal relationships with lag sequential analysis
  • External Data Module: for synchronized recording of signals on an external data acquisition system, synchronized playback of these signals with the behavioral data and video/audio, and analysis of recorded signals


FaceReader™ is a tool that automatically analyzes facial expressions, providing the user with an objective assessment of a person’s emotion. The following modules are available:

  • Action Unit Module: for analysis of 20 action units — brow, lip, chin raiser, mouth stretch, lip pucker etc.
  • RPPG module: for detecting the change in blood volume caused by the pressure pulse when the face is properly illuminated
  • Project Analysis Module: for detailed analysis and visualization of expression analysis results
  • Consumption Behavior Module: for analyzing the behavior of the test participant that is related to eating and talking


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