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MEG and MRI tools

All the devices are non-magnetic, non-electronic, and entirely made out of plastic, so will not add noise to the images or raise safety concerns in the MR/MEG room or similarly demanding environments.


fORP 932 Subject Response PackagefORP 932 Subject Response Package

—  The 932 system offers a versatile system for fMRI subject response.

—  Trackball 2

—  Grip Force Trancducer

—  Tethyx Joystick

—  fMRI Response Pad

Description on the manufaturer's website







4 Buttons Bimanual

4 Buttons Bimanual

Four 1.1 cm colored round buttons with 2 cm button spacing center to center. Two ergonomic enclosures 2.8 x 9 x 5.8/4 cm

Description on the manufaturer's website










Pyka 5 Button Handheld

The new Pyka 5 button ergonomic fibre optic handheld for fMRI.One 2.5 cm long levers for thumb and four 1.8 cm cupped buttons for fingers.

Enclosure is 12.5 cm x 7.5 cm, 2.5 cm thick.

Description on the manufaturer's website










Compact, 2-axis Fiber Optic Joystick for computer research tasks in fMRI and MEG.

Description on the manufaturer's website


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