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Tag "Reporting an event"

Illustration for news: HSE University Hosts Russia’s First Doctoral Defence in Cognitive Science

HSE University Hosts Russia’s First Doctoral Defence in Cognitive Science

Vasily Klucharev, HSE professor and Leading Research Fellow at the Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience, successfully defended his doctoral dissertation in cognitive science. This was the first doctoral dissertation in this discipline in Russia.

Illustration for news: The 2nd International Conference on Social Neuroscience in Ecologically Valid Conditions was held

The 2nd International Conference on Social Neuroscience in Ecologically Valid Conditions was held

The online conference was devoted to the latest global advances in social neuroscience using naturalistic stimuli. Leading Russian and foreign scientists participated in the online conference.

XXII April International Academic Conference Roundtable discussion (event completed)

Topic: «(In)homogeneous (ir)rationality. How the brain makes decisions»
 Chairman / Co-chairman (Vasily Klucharev / Boris Gutkin)

Illustration for news: Congratulations to our colleagues on their victory in the RSF grant competition!

Congratulations to our colleagues on their victory in the RSF grant competition!

International Laboratory for Social Neurobiology, Institute of Cognitive Neurosciences, Higher School of Economics, together “H.Turner National Medical Research Center for Сhildren's Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation won the contest of grants of the RSF for conducting interdisciplinary projects.