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Tag "frontiers of science"

Illustration for news: Smoking Habit Affects Response to False Feedback

Smoking Habit Affects Response to False Feedback

A team of scientists at HSE University, in collaboration with the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, studied how people respond to deception when under stress and cognitive load. The study revealed that smoking habits interfere with performance on cognitive tasks involving memory and attention and impairs a person’s ability to detect deception. The study findings have been published in Frontiers in Neuroscience.

Illustration for news: Connecting Space and Time: Bilinguals Associate Time with Space in Both Their First and Second Languages

Connecting Space and Time: Bilinguals Associate Time with Space in Both Their First and Second Languages

An international team of researchers including scientists at HSE University investigated how bilingual individuals associate time with space. It turns out that in both their first and second languages, people associate the past with the left side of space and the future with the right. In fact, the higher the proficiency in a second language, the more pronounced this relationship becomes. The study findings have been published in Scientific Reports.